Predictions for 2024

This is my annual looking ahead exercise that I do for fun. If you want to try it yourself, have a quiet space and clear your mind by meditating.  Then focus on the date December 31, 2024. Consider yourself looking back over the year, like you’re reading a year end summary. 

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

  1. Weather extremes again – fire mid-west and west, water in the east & central (thinking wildfires and large storms again this year).  This is across North America and Europe.  It will be exceptionally hot in South America.  Drought in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.
  2. Cruise ship run aground with casualties.  It’s very cold so I’m thinking either Alaska or a specialty cruise to Antarctica.
  3. More activity in Antarctica for exploration, and some entrepreneurs are looking for resources there not found anywhere else to exploit.  Interesting archeological find will be discovered.
  4. The minerals gold and silicone (Jan 1st – correction, silica is the mineral, silicone is made of silica) are going to feature in a unique invention that’s currently being worked on.
  5. Mount Saint Helen’s is going to be affecting weather again this year with some minor eruptions.
  6. Also look to see more earthquake activity on the west coast, could be a relatively large one in California near San Francisco.
  7. Political turmoil continues.  Current wars will continue throughout the year.
  8. Girl looking up at the sky – is this another Marian visitation?  Not sure but she seems to be getting messages.  Or maybe it’s the fulfilment of one of the Fatima prophesies?
  9. There could be some sort of government funded rent program to help people to be able to afford renting in overpriced markets.
  10. The stock market looks like it gets overheated on some commodity then has a correction in its favorite crash time of year, October (or in the fall anyway).
  11. There seems to be a high number of deaths of well-known people this year but it’s not anything specific, mostly natural causes it looks like.

What I didn’t pick up on was anything specifically related to elections or names of people which is fine by me.  Anyway, I’ll leave it here.  Try it and see if you come up with anything that comes true, it’s an interesting year end thing to do.

(c) Catherine M. Harris, December 26, 2023

Predictions for 2023

Continuing in what I guess is now my tradition of posting predictions at the end of the year, I’m going to start with the process.  Basically what I do is get in a relaxed meditative state.  This includes candles lit for ambiance, quiet (that’s essential, I use earplugs), a burning stick of incense (whichever scent suits my mood at the moment).  I concentrate on breathing and clearing my mind.  Then I think about Dec. 31, 2023 and what news I’ve seen and read over 2023.  That’s it.  Anybody can do it – feel free to try.  It may just be flight of imagination or it could be intuition or psychic skills.  Regardless, even if I’m way off, it is can be enlightening trying to picture what a year from now will look like.

And now I’m going to say that I hope that this year’s rather darker glimpses are me being worried about how things are right now, I am an optimist at heart so this time I hope I’m mostly wrong.  As always I say to take this with a boulder of salt, I do not claim for this to be anything other than an exercise. 

The fun thing about it is that sometimes what I see actually does happen.  If you want to check and see the previous years they are on this site’s Predictions page.  I don’t update them after I post unless it’s immediately after for a missed spelling mistake and the most recent edit date is shown at the end of the post. The numbers on these are not in particular rank, it’s just how the thoughts come to me.

  1. Accident to a royal family member – looks like self-inflicted car crash due to drinking to excess – Andrew?
  2. Mid-year – Camilla may need some serious medical care.
  3. Volcanic activity and earthquakes ramping up as part of a longer earth change cycle.
  4. Difficult times ahead financially for many people.    Even the super-wealthy will have some concerns about the availability of certain foods.  Part of the problem is weather, and also war.
  5. Ukraine continues to fight.  Will eventually be successful at staying independent but it’s not without more loss unfortunately.
  6. Putin’s days as leader are numbered.  The public is waking up to the reality that they are pawns in a game they don’t necessarily want to be a part of anymore.
  7. There will be many more riots and social unrest across the globe.  The more that leaders try to put a thumb on their people and keep them in line while taking many things they need to survive, be it human rights or social safety nets, people have had enough.  This will be happening everywhere in the world.
  8. In countries where socialism is touted as a dirty word there are people saying that people need to care about one another and it can’t be without a common good way of thinking in government too.  A lot of the selfishness that bloomed in the 1980s onward is fading away as greed is not sustainable.  Ultimately there will be new ways of governing that includes social safety nets – the public will demand them.  This is following some very hard lessons related to a depression, weather, and economic faltering.
  9. Banking systems, credit systems also will be called upon to do less gouging and be more responsible in how they treat their customers.
  10. Utilities (and internet will be considered a utility soon if not in 2023) there is a push to mandate utilities be accessible for all – too many people are losing their lives with no electricity or running water in a last-ditch attempt to pay for rising food costs.
  11. As the cost of living goes up, house prices will fall because rising mortgage rates and food and utility prices with salaries not keeping pace force many to give up their houses.  This easing of the housing market will cause house prices to fall to more reasonable rates.  Part of it is that the wealthy investors buying real estate just to make a profit will start unloading those house/condos/land, especially foreign owners as financial markets tighten.  In the long run it’s good because eventually people will be able to have the dream of home ownership as a routine thing again but not without a lot of financial dumping from wealthy people.
  12. More countries will enact taxes on super wealthy people – the countries need it and there will be fewer tax havens and breaks.
  13. Trump will be charged with more legal charges however his health remains an issue – he many not be able to stand trial in the fall (which it looks like he will have to appear for some of the many things he’s about to be charged with).
  14. Disease remains an issue as the pandemic continues with different strains being created.  So the push to get rid of telework that seems to be gaining ground will need to be rethought and the cost of maintaining all the real estate for offices becomes harder to justify even to those who have been demanding a back to normal approach.  The problem is that things aren’t normal and they never will be normal as it was before the pandemic again.  It can’t be.  For one thing workers who can’t afford to go into work and all the associated costs may give up their jobs for something else, even to live off the land.
  15. Communal living that is self-sustaining is making a comeback as an idea, similar to the 60s communes but more because people realize that it may be better just to try to live off the land and generate their own utilities.  People can be educated anywhere now as long as there’s internet so this idea of not being “owned” so to speak is gaining ground. We’ll see more of this idea coming to the foreground by fall of 2023 as trust in governments, banking systems, etc., falls.  People are beginning to think they can do it better based on their own beliefs.
  16. The division in society, however much distained by most middle ground people persists and this could well lead to civil war in places you’d never think it would happen.  The definition of democracy itself is changing.  It will be some time before a modern version that fits the reality of the 2000s comes into a clearer focus so the divisions become more entrenched.  It may feel like people can say nothing right for fear of offending one side or the other so the middle majority who simply want to keep the peace will stay silent and look quietly for ways to bring all the sides to understand the meaning of consensus and common ground.
  17. It’s not all doom and gloom.  There are some break throughs in energy generation and in health care that will bring a bright light.  Cancer vaccines, home power generation that is affordable, home gardening, all these things make life a little better.
  18. People are looking more at ways to obtain goods and services without traditional banks and credit, will stay away from things like crypto and will consider better ways to pay like bartering or communal living or even community gardens and the like – updated to 21st century ways.
  19. Religion is losing more followers as it appears to perpetuate cruelty and divisions and so many people are tired of that.  Uprisings will continue in Iran and there will be more like it elsewhere where religion or ideology are turning people to be willing to fight for human rights and freedom over oppression for a collective reason.  China, North Korea, Afghanistan, none of these places are immune from the uprisings.  With economic and weather disasters comes the need to be able to live their lives the best they can – all people, not just some.
  20. In times of difficulty is when beauty in the form of art, literature, music blossoms. 2023 will see a lot of new and wonderful artists worldwide expressing themselves.
  21. It’s important to remember that what we are going through now worldwide is growing pains towards the next way of being. There is a lot that should go by the wayside and that’s the thing.  Eventually the dust will settle as it must do.  So in the meantime people will continue to hope and to strive towards a better way because we have to, it’s what keeps happening throughout history.
  22. Focus on forgiveness – a trend that will be gaining momentum throughout the year as people try to bring back some peace and stability.
  23. In Canada the summer will be hot and drier than the previous year – wildfires in the west and central regions, more hurricanes on the east coast than last year with stretches of dry weather in between.  A moderate earthquake in Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec will make news around June it looks like.

Here we are, and remember this is an exercise, so please, try this yourself and see what you get.

Catherine M. Harris © Dec. 26, 2022.

2022 Predictions

Here we are, it’s the end of another year and time for my annual predictions.  If you’re new to this I do my own form of remote viewing in that I get myself into a quiet meditative state and imagine that it’s Dec. 31st 2022 and I looking at a year end retrospective.  Then I write down what stands out.  That’s it, that’s all.  Sometimes I’m right so that’s why I post them. You can check my last year’s predictions if you want to know how I did last time around

Why don’t you try this exercise and see what you come up with? 

Here, in no particular order is what I got for the world:

  1. A year like no other, in recent memory at least.  No one alive now would have experienced such a year.
  2. Trump will be in hospital again staying in for a while likely not running in the next election, may not even be around at that time.
  3. Cost of everything is going up – hunger – there’s a lot of unemployed and many jobs unfilled so why the dichotomy?  Society isn’t able to provide child care easily so one parent staying home is a thing for a while yet.
  4. Goods will be difficult to get, varying times, trouble with China and Taiwan partly to blame but also severe weather also causing problems for factories in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and other parts of Asia. 
  5. Thailand will suffer another large tsunami.
  6. People are thinking it’s time to move from harsh weather-plagued countries around the world.
  7. Japan is going to have another severe earthquake that causes huge problems for weeks if not months.
  8. A peoples’ secret society in North Korea is a possible threat to Kim Jong-un or an attempted coup.  However not much interest in reuniting North and South, they want to join the world is their focus.
  9. Spain – fires and very hot weather, volcanic activity/earth tremors.  Italy also experiencing volcanic eruptions, earth tremors.
  10. China is in for a difficult year with an unforeseen financial collapse – the supply chain problem is hurting them too and they have lost a lot of business.  Trouble at the Olympics related to politics and illness.   May wind up ending early than anticipated if IOC can’t stop countries pulling out while they try to continue.  The show must go on, as they say.
  11. The Queen will survive 2022 however much concern about her health continues.  She is stronger than that, should live to see 100; in 2021 she was in mourning but comes out better in the springtime.  She has another grandchild coming from William and Kate (unexpectedly).  Like it or not Harry can’t pull himself out of royal duties completely – an urgent matter comes up where he does step in.  Summertime?  There’s anger in his household about something but also a sense of relief.
  12. A t.v. media giant may fold, not keeping up with current trends – streaming and other delivery methods of content is here to stay so they don’t.
  13. Education and a closer look at jobs will be the focus of 2022 – a revolution in how we educate, what we teach and what is truly necessary for performing work will be a big deal going forward several years.  In some ways going back to how it was before the ‘70s/’80s when university and college became expected even though not necessary.  University and college will be more results focused and for specific professions rather than just needed to have a job for no reason.  People are looking at the cost of education and the method.  Much more remote learning increases access and affordability since much of what is taught can be learned online.
  14. Going out of the pandemic (another year at least) there will be more socializing but people will be more selective in where they go.  The lessons of the pandemic are hard to unlearn so large crowded events will be less as people turn away from big in-person things.  But that’s not bad, promoters see that you can get a lot more money streaming events at the same time as a smaller in-person attendance.
  15. Theatres and movies will make a comeback but movie theatres are on their way out as too expensive to maintain.  Plus people are happy to watch at home. 
  16. A lot of what we took for granted before:  packed transportation, dirty full movie theatres and the like just don’t appeal to people anymore, not like it used to.  And in a sense we don’t have to as much going forward.  Attending jam packed events and using standing only buses and subways feel off to many.  So these too will evolve.
  17. The bright light recently has been the growth in scientific discovery related to health care and that will continue.  A shot for a few forms of cancer is coming: lung, glioblastoma, kidney, pancreas, and liver.  Viruses are used to target cancer cell destroying them, which is very interesting and effective.  The vaccine for covid is also being tweaked for a common cold vaccine (sort of, likely needs annual similar to the flu shot).  But eventually people get less sick from this so the need for vaccines will be less.
  18. There’s a breakthrough in eyesight restoration, MS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s coming soon – may be hints of that in 2022.
  19. Energy revolution underway, there will be home energy generation coming sooner than later.  (yes, I know I predict that every year lol).  Job growth will be in this area while the petroleum jobs go away.
  20. US politics remaining unstable for several years due to the division. Eventually common themes will restore but may take a generation to fully heal the rift.
  21. Snow on both coasts of North American causes severe damage.  Western earthquake.  There are floods in the west but the drought isn’t over. East coast can expect more thunderstorms and a possible two hurricanes to affect Atlantic Canada.  Also an earthquake big enough to cause damage but few injuries in Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec.  Hotter than usual summer across Canada including the north.  Drought and wildfires continue in the same areas as in recent years across summer and including northern New Brunswick – this one will be curtailed by hurricane rains.
  22. A male movie star goes missing in 2022 and may never be found so becomes a mystery.  Age is mid-30s, white.
  23. Babies having trouble breathing in Asia – not sure if because of covid or a different reason like air quality but this makes the news.
  24. North Korean sabre rattling but is curtailed by the internal strife noted earlier.
  25. Greenland ice shelf makes the news this year.  Also something interesting is found in melting ice in Antarctica that raises speculation about ancient times.
  26. Aurora borealis will be seen much further south than on record – this is a sign of something.
  27. Financial markets heading for a tumble, a sudden rise and equally sudden fall.  Keep an eye on the housing market and also fresh produce markets.  A lot of volatility there could result in huge losses for people.  The flip side of course is that some people will find ways to make money off this.  Not smart, but some will.
  28. More social guarantees for various countries as the world sees this the trend moving forward at least for now.
  29. Anglican and Catholic churches are looking again at a form of unification to bring more people back to the pews.  It’s one way to resolve the married priest issue.
  30. Consider these times a universal house cleaning in a sense, shedding of old ways that need to be.

Alrighty, that’s a lot.

Take all of this with a boulder of salt, and Happy New Year everyone!

©Catherine M. Harris Dec. 30, 2021

Predictions for 2021

Here we are, at the end of what has been a completely ridiculous year. I don’t think anyone saw this nonsense coming. Doesn’t mean I don’t like to try though 🙂

So, if you haven’t read these before, every year I put up my predictions. I do this because occasionally I’m right; plus, it’s fun. What I do is to relax by meditation and then imagine that it is Dec. 31st 2021 and what do I know is in the news at that time if I look back? While I focus on 2021 I write down what pops into my head. It’s actually a form of remote viewing. So if you’re curious about this, before you read what I put why don’t you try it and see what you get? Or try it for your own personal life (I actually do that too but will never post anything from that, it’s more of just a mental check in on people I love).

So for 2021, here goes:

  1. Damage to infrastructure is a theme for 2021. This is a year where failure to maintain infrastructure to save money is coming into focus. Bridge collapse?
  2. Lost generation – the sense of being a lost generation is hard for youth who cannot seem to hold on to what education cannot give them: an actual job. But out of desperation comes innovation and this where the younger generation will shine.
  3. We’re on the cusp of major breakthroughs in science, enough that I would say it’s a new age, the age of biological science.
  4. 2020 was a year of introspection and personal learning of ourselves, 2021 is that of learning about humanity in general both from a medical and psychological point of view.
  5. People are tired. Radical anything is becoming tiresome because there has now been two years of this at the end of 2021. 2021 is a year of more conflict and anger more rioting and destruction but also of people paying attention. Things will settle down but not until some the deeper issues are addressed. The realization of this is 2021’s gift to the world.
  6. Us and them mentality is fading by the end of the year as people realize we need each other. Something has to give and how much tragedy does it take? What brings that isn’t just of individuals dying we’ve seen much of that especially with covid but in natural disaster – loss on a common scale is what wakes people up.
  7. More severe hurricanes on the Atlantic seaboard – Atlantic Canada gets hit twice. On the west coast more earthquake activity but nothing serious in the north, in the US though California has another tough year. Severe earthquake in the early fall.
  8. A lot of what happens in 2020 happens in 2021. We will have refugees trying to enter other countries because of weather events. Drought is a major issue in Africa and in North America.
  9. One of the driest years on records even though in the east and in central Canada there will be some major storms this won’t make up for the dry weather. Reminiscent of the dirty 30s with clouds of dust in the air and abandoned farms. With this comes wildfires and all of Canada will have them as will the US and Australia again.
  10. An energy breakthrough that is practical makes home heating and energy and personal items charged easy and inexpensive.
  11. Breakthrough in dementia treatment. Also a simple cataract treatment coming.
  12. Megan and Harry back in the UK for a few months (spring I think) and then return to the US.
  13. Virus in chickens causing loss of livestock also will cause people to rethink backyard chicken coops because of the fear of the virus jumping to other species especially humans. This is temporary though because an existing treatment for something else will work so fortunately not a lot of loss of poultry.
  14. Bat populations are rebounding, as are the bee populations.
  15. A new musical group from South America becomes very popular – not a boy band but one that is more rock and is multilingual – they sing in Spanish, English and German. I’m thinking from Argentina maybe? Original, great sound.
  16. An explosion from a volcano causes major problems in Europe – possibly from Iceland? Similar to the previous big eruption that caused trouble with air traffic in Europe.
  17. Good news from Africa about a new company that gets world-wide attention. Not sure but think it’s technology related.
  18. People turning towards more heartwarming, sentimental, kindness-focused everything: relationships, arts; cut-throat tactics less acceptable now.
  19. Politics is changing around the world. Old systems being re-evaluated.
  20. So many unemployed people, focus now on what exactly do we need and how do we put people in jobs in areas they are needed? Lots of moving locations happening in the next few years, also more national – manufacturing returning to every country, so this is where the jobs will come from but more AI and less hands-on work. Covid creates new workplace standards that will be kept beyond the end of the pandemic – it won’t truly be gone before 2023 so that changes won’t be temporary – not all of them anyway.
  21. At the end of the year there is more of a sense of kindness and true equality overall and a breakdown of old inflexible ways are happening including religion, politics, education, and society in general. Celebrating differences.

And that’s it! See you this time next year, and take care please, people.

Happy New Year.

Predictions for 2020

Yes, it’s time for my annual predictions. Just a reminder that I do this for fun, and how I do it is basically to imagine what the news will look like on December 31, 2020 in the year in review. That’s it.

Here goes:

  1. Big volcanic event in the Pacific – looks like Hawaii but I’m not sure about that.
  2. Trump:  illness, hospitalized, something to do with the blood, stress is a factor.
  3. Politician dies falling overboard from a ship.
  4. Worldwide call for simpler times.  Rejection of current society.
  5. Schism deepening between hardline “my way or the highway” people and more moderate, flexible, open minded people – especially in the US and the UK.
  6. More Brexit drama, more delays.  Assassination attempt but not sure against who, someone who is connected to the EU?
  7. Ireland seriously looking at reuniting.  Diplomatic talks begin.
  8. Staying the course – looks like our own Canadian government is fine for 2020 no major upsets.
  9. Market upheaval – major spike followed by a crash in the Fall starting around May.
  10. Water and ice is there for this year’s weather.  Volcanic eruptions in the Pacific rim, earthquake activity on the US west coast, severe hurricane activity on the US east coast but not touching Canada this time.  Canadian weather fairly moderate for 2020 except for a resurgence of fires in the west.
  11. Hong Kong issues continue – are now striving to be an independent country.  There is western support but general decision is to remain out of it.
  12. Religious tensions arise in India related to more regulations being passed that are deemed to be anti-minority.
  13. African powerhouse – new entrepreneur from Africa starting to build new industry that will be appreciated world wide.
  14. Child of someone well-known – perhaps a celebrity – will pass from a vaccine preventable illness and will spearhead a vaccination campaign in the media.
  15. Royal family lying low – trying to anyway – out of respect for the Queen and Prince Phillip – age is an issue this year, age-related press.
  16. New form of treatment for schizophrenia to be in trials and appearing to be somewhat successful.  Comes from an unexpected source (happy accident).
  17. More regulations on credit cards coming, interest related.  Hopefully it’s something that actually is helpful to consumers (that’s just a comment from me).

How accurate was I last year?  See for yourself here:



2019 Annual Predictions

Time for annual predictions.  For people new to this blog, I do these for fun and because every once in while I’m right so people have asked me to post them.  How I do it is to mentally place myself at December 31, 2019 so that I’m looking back over the year like the annual year in review shows and I write down what comes to me, which is what becomes what I see for the year 2019.  Sometimes these predictions happen later than I put down here but regardless, that’s pretty much it.

Note:  After I posted this I read through previous ones and there are predictions that come up year after year.  I don’t go over old posts before I write the new one so I guess the fact I keep seeing the same things is because they haven’t happened yet.  Here’s an amusing big X is that I said Trump definitely wouldn’t be President.  So you see, this is just an exercise in imagination.

Here goes:

  1. Large hurricane coming up from the south as far north as Nova Scotia.
  2. Trump administration has a reckoning of sorts. An indictment.
  3. Election favorable to the Liberals, new Conservative leader by end of the year – there’s a scandal that reflects badly on them which is a coup de grace for the Liberals – early summer/late spring.
  4. NDP and Green popularity rising.
  5. Major market diminution this year culminating in a form of a crash but it is in a way manufactured because it didn’t need to happen.
  6. Princess Kate has another girl – will be pregnant near year end.
  7. Prince Charles’ health is not good. He could be gone.  Some upheaval around this in the royal family.
  8. Twins for Megan – boy and girl. Will be another pregnancy not too long after.  Happy home there.  Will be a mending of fences of sorts.  They will have more children and family will be their focus.
  9. New Brunswick and energy – there’s going to be jobs in NB related to energy coming up this year.
  10. Train travel will be more accessible as there is a new player coming with trains that are much more modern and suited to the Canadian landscape.
  11. Society itself is changing – new forms of safer smoking is making it acceptable again. There’s a new form of vape for nicotine delivery that will not affect those around the smoker and doesn’t risk popcorn lung.
  12. Alcohol consumption is going down due to cannabis with cannabis drinks becoming available 2019/2020. People are finding cannabis is more pleasant than alcohol.
  13. There’s a major shift coming in society and the current left/right split will be lessening. The angry cannot contain itself much longer.  In the US that means a serious break.   There is a strong possibility of a devolution of States to more sovereign entities.  So might not be mendable –  not for many many years.
  14. A major cancer breakthrough regarding pancreatic and liver cancer is found.
  15. ALS and MS will have new and better treatments becoming available by the end of the year. Not a cure but an improvement.
  16. Another treatment for dementia will be available but still a long way before a major breakthrough in dementia I’m sorry to say.
  17. Look for hydrogen energy to become more usable for household and travel. There is a form a cube or box that will provide inexpensive local power coming that will provide inexpensive power that will take many partially or completely off-grid and weather and storms will be less of an issue for power outages.
  18. Price of electricity and gasoline dropping and producers scramble to sell their stock as even reducing output won’t change the end situation that people don’t want to rely on big companies any more.
  19. People in Ontario creating a backlash due to cuts for middle-income and older people. Across Canada public pharmacare and dental care is a major issue and will be reality by 2022.
  20. Huge ice shelves crumbling into the sea – Greenland?
  21. Provincial election in Ontario called quickly – could be related to Doug Ford’s health: heart problems.
  22. Weather – fire smoke and ice. More uncontrollable wild fires in western US and Canada as well as Australia.  Volcanoes continue to erupt in places where they were quiet – central and western US, South America, Iceland, Europe.
  23. Finally will have peace in Syria with a new regime coming.
  24. External terrorism is dying down but internal strife is increasing in Europe and the US.
  25. The continent of Africa is going to be more of a world player – technology will be a new force for commerce for them. In the long term we will see people moving to Africa for jobs, and because of the prosperity a lot of the internal strife will lessen.  A union of countries giving each other a hand up.
  26. Canada – politically fairly stable. Weather – extreme water event in the Prairies.  An earthquake on the east coast makes news.
  27. US – interim leader for Trump mid-summer? Not sure if it is claimed to be health or vacation.  Politically still a coiled spring of emotion down there.
  28. There’s a type of flu coming from South America to North America to Europe. There is no vaccine for this yet – new strain.  All are susceptible.
  29. Money – deflation. Credit card interest rates under scrutiny.  More issues with credit reporting agencies – this system will be changed to something more fair to people.

Dream about Corsica

This goes into disturbing dreams category, and I’m putting it here because the flash I had about Rob Ford and my flash I saw about the plane with the hole behind the door were both pretty prophetic so here’s this, in condensed version.

I was in a new place of business where I was somehow involved but don’t know how.  Anyway it covered several floors joined by a large wide white staircase.  I was in an upper floor and somebody asked where the owner kept something and we looked a bit for it, then I left and went downstairs.  There were people all down the stairway and they all seemed rather flustered.  I walked down several floors looking at these people and when I got to the main floor I asked a young woman who had tears in her eyes what was going on.  She said there had been a terrorist attack and a certain politician and a friend had been in a yacht in Corsica that had been destroyed and it didn’t look good.  She was angry that this politician had gone there, wondering what they were doing there.

I have written down the name of the politician in my personal notebook but I’m not putting it online, and I hope that is dream is not a literal one but a warning so I’ll leave it at that.  I’m hoping this is more of a warning that there’s an event related to Corsica that would metaphorically blow up this politician’s career.

Predictions for 2018

Here’s my annual “looking ahead” exercise. I’ve explained what I do before but first, this is something I do mainly for amusement. Since I’m sometimes right I do post them because I was told I should by friends. So here they are.

Basically what I do is a form of remote viewing but it’s my own form, something I’ve done for as long I can remember which is: clear the mind, think of a date or a season or a place in the future and basically describe what’s happening. Who is there? Who isn’t? For my year end thing I think of the end of December 2018, and then imagine I’m reading a news year end wrap up. That’s pretty much it. Take it for what it is, which is imagination.

However, just for fun, why don’t you try that and see what happens? Don’t forget to write it down 🙂

Here goes:

  1.   Rolling rivers of lava or mud – this is a major disaster but I don’t know if it is volcanic or a landslide or a tsunami.  It’s swampy muddy thick and wet, grey colour and scary to look at.
  2. Not long after Harry and Meghan get married they will announce a pregnancy.  I think it’s twins – a boy and a girl.  They will have several children in short succession over the next few years.
  3. Something about the mineral gold.  I see raw chunks and gold bars, lots of them.  I have no idea what this means.
  4. White mountain flowers in green grass.  Switzerland in the summertime, there’s an earthquake?  Shaking ground.  There’s also something about the Hadron colider but I’m not sure if it causes this or is shut down as a precaution for a few weeks because of this event.  Not a deadly thing, just a bit worrying.
  5. There’s a widespread outbreak in North American that has a rash (looks like measles?) and is somewhat drug resistant and there will be some deaths.
  6. Something about a 3 wheeled bicycle tour around the world.  The world is fascinated by this journey – it’s a 30ish year old woman.
  7. Weather – there’s a big tsunami in the same area as the previous huge tsunami, but this time people are a little more prepared, still an awful lot of damage.  Japan is involved here.  Overall this looks like a year of volcanic activity, earthquakes and lots of water again.  The drought is worsening and will continue in California and smoke in the atmosphere will cause cooling in the US west.  There’s earthquake activity on the west coast of North America as well as a serious one in Chile.
  8. Politics – a lot of upheaval.  The US will continue to be unstable for the whole year.  The middle east is building up for a break out against old ways?
  9. It looks like Canada will have a good year economically, and our weather won’t be as extreme as elsewhere.  There is a hurricane that touches the east coast, and it will be a hot and dry summer in the east.  The oil industry is beginning to shut down and some new companies are starting up in Alberta and Saskatchewan to bring inexpensive energy for home uses.
  10. A female politician dies suddenly.  Don’t know who.
  11. A very popular religious leader pops up – young man.  He isn’t what he seems:  “snake-oil salesman” comes to mind.  In general though, people are turning away from fundamentalism, and more towards humanism.
  12. A heartbreaking death of a young child (infant?) – known around the world, seems very unnecessary and is a tipping point for something.  Female, known because of who her parents are (not the royal couple, other people).

Have a wonderful 2018 everyone, and please, show compassion in everything you do.


Predictions for 2017

Predictions are something I’ve done for many years for fun and this is my 2017 edition. I decided to put them up a day earlier than I usually do because I love listening to predictions on shows like Coast to Coast so I thought it would be best to get mine up before the shows happen.

If you want to know how I do this please read my 2016 entry; also, you can read that and see if I was right at all 🙂

Here we go:

1. Prince Charles has a heart attack mid-summer. He may not make it, not sure.
2. Doesn’t look good for the Queen and Prince Philip either. Old age takes its toll – also may not be visible by the end of 2017; not sure if they are gone or if they are just not going out anymore due to ill health. I see a big funeral in England but I can’t place who it is, just that it is someone special.
3. The Church. Major changes are coming starting with the Catholic Church but it doesn’t just apply to that, it’s many religions. Many won’t be the same by the end of 2017.
4. The many high profile deaths of 2016 unfortunately hasn’t ended, there will be more and 2017 will have more younger souls than 2016 did. Changing energy?
5. Trump is in danger but I don’t think that’s news to anybody. I’m a little concerned about February and June. I see the White House on fire but I don’t know if that is figurative or literal. The fire feels like it is around May.
6. Last year was all about fire – 2017 is ground shaking. Earthquakes and volcanoes are the big events and will be taking place in some unusual locations with dormant volcanoes waking up. Pacific region both sides of the ocean. Ash clouds causing air problems in Pacific northwest of North America.
7. Marine life continues to die off. Methane from cracks in the ocean floor and poisoned water from oil spills on the bottom along with the poisonous surfactants main reasons. There are active volcanoes under the ocean too.
8. Health is a bright area. A breakthrough with ALS/MS that can actually be given to patients and help them will be available in mid-fall. There’s also a cancer breakthrough with liver or pancreatic cancer (that area of the body) – it has something to do with a virus and I think the new crspr technology. There’s also an implant for eyes that will help blind people who have pressure regulation problems.
9. I don’t see our Canadian politics having anything too challenging – the conservative leader election will be a safe choice, not Trump-style rebellion. Canadians aren’t thinking that way. It looks like it is a woman this time.
10. Hate crime will unfortunately continue to increase around the world and Canada is no safe place either. Dark forces unfortunately feeding paranoia to susceptible people. These dark force people won’t prevail. There is a sense of overall rejection by the common people of all forms of extremism. There will be riots and protests but it will be the middle class, workers, women, people who just want to live their lives and feel caught between the know-it-all-wealthy and the bring-back-the-good-bad-old-days people. This divide will end when the majority is finally speaking up and finally being heard. Will continue into 2020 at least.
11. Young people getting scared of the future are becoming political. This is a good thing – the current teen/twenty-something generation will be this century’s “greatest generation”. They know what is important and while they like their toys they also love each other and are very sharing and caring. That’s why they will put society into something more enlightened than our current selfish society is.
12. North Korea has a surprise. Not sure what this is but I think their way of life is changing sooner rather than later. Someone there is a quiet shining star who will bring about some change.
13. Banks, credit rating companies, collection agencies are going to be in the spotlight. The current rating system is going to be dismantled in favour of something fairer to consumers. There is something about collusion between banks and collection agencies that is part of the ending of the current system. This starts sometime around now for a few years (mid 2020?).
14. A baby boom is coming! We’re going to be seeing an increase in births in Western nations beginning in 2018. Not sure why but it might be a subconscious reaction to the many deaths of 2016 and 2017 and also part of the fear of nations becoming over-run by refugees around the world – they don’t want to be outnumbered? Bit of a crazy reason to have more babies but also plays into the (thankfully) temporary racist sentiments that are more in the open. Mostly, it’s all about a subconscious need for renewal around the world.

Strange Dream: Smoke and Mirrors

I had a waking dream that was just weird enough I thought I should share. So here it is:

I’m watching the news. There’s a hand holding a cigarette over a black ashtray, smoke swirling up and the shot pans out to Peter Jennings. It cuts to another black ashtray and somebody trying to light a cigarette and it catches then there’s smoke swirling up and we see Peter Mansbridge laughing and saying “I’m going to get in trouble for this probably.” Then he explains this is an introduction for a piece on special effects.

Then it cuts to a woman’s voice talking about a dry river bed and horses and then you see three brown horses walking down this riverbed; a foamy water comes pouring down and the horses wind up with water up to the middle of their chests so the second horse wraps its front legs around the first horse’s chest and third horse does the same to the second. But the foamy water keeps rising so the next thing you see is the three horses with one standing on top of the other and the third on top of that, with the water up to the middle of the neck of the first horse. The woman’s voice over says: “Without special effects, movies would be pretty boring, wouldn’t they?”

Then the next news piece was saying that because of the shooting at the Trump rally, the Republican party is asking for a six month to one year extension to the Presidential election to give them time to regroup.

Then I woke up.

Writing the dream out I realized that the main theme is it’s all just smoke and mirrors (special effects). I did also want to put this out there because I have on occasion had dreams that have come true; I hope that security around Trump is very strong – I’m not fond of the guy but I certainly don’t wish that on him.