Well what do you know, another blog

My long time blog is actually http://cathi_harris.bravejournal.com . I am on Facebook, and Livejournal, and I hadn’t considered yet another blog thing until I learned about Comicpress. Now you see this is where it gets complicated.

Jim, my very significant other and I started a business officially last month. I do video work as well as web work and for Jim, audio stuff, has voiceover training, also does web stuff and we’re both fiction writers. Jim, whose last name is Wellington, has many years experience in radio at WPKN in Bridgeport CT and since moving to Canada has quite frankly missed radio. He is now a tv production assistant part time but that isn’t radio. A new local radio station started up here last year but before that they needed some volunteer help on the web stuff and we helped them by showing them how to do Dreamweaver.

I remember that evening, I should have been studying for a Finite Mathematics exam but instead I was explaining what Dreamweaver does all the while Jim discussing the differences between PCs and Macs and recounting his very fascinating history of his years with WKPN. At the time he’d hoped that maybe he’d have an opportunity for a job there when it went live. It did go live, he applied, heard nothing, and the last time he ran into the guy running the station he acted as though he had no clue who Jim was. Oh well, he’s better off working doing the tv stuff he is now I guess.

This blog isn’t about Jim though. It’s all about me. The creative me. I likes.

Getting back to our business. We started Talerocker~Dreamcat Creations because we do a lot of freebie web and writing and video and other creative-type stuff for people and times are such we really want to start getting paid for it. We love our friends and acquaintances, really we do, but they aren’t paying our bills. I even have people in my life who are costing me money. Sigh.

Well now, with Talerocker~Dreamcat Creations we have a legitimate licensed business to do our stuff and sell it too. Being broke – and cheap – we’re doing as much as we can Open Source and yay, WordPress and MySQL are that. I recently discovered Comicpress and whee! The bells went off for me. A long ago art I enjoyed suddenly woke up.

Back in the ’80s I took an Animation course at Algonquin College. That was cool. Then, in mid-90s the Toronto Star had a contest for new cartoons. Very cool. I started a strip called Amazing Grace for that contest. I didn’t win and so sadly, Grace didn’t get much more amazing than she was for the contest. But she’s haunted me and I think that I’m at least going to put up the strips I did do here for the world to see.

Life has conspired a lot to change my world in radical ways and who I was in the mid-90s is almost nothing like who I am now. For instance, there was no Jim, and I was a mom to toddler daughter who was subsequently joined by a baby brother, and not long after that dad and mom went their separate ways and that’s when Jim came on the scene. It’s also around the time I started taking a Computer Science degree at Athabasca University, and I have also gotten into doing silly things like Nanowrimo creating some not so silly books, and have also self-published a poetry book on Cafe Press at my store http://www.cafepress.com/cathisplace.

Those links I put here just reminded me of something. I recently joined a community that has personal blogs based on a particular subject and they came back and told me I had violated policy by posting links. If that happens here, I’ll have to strangle something. I can’t strangle my mouse though, it’s cordless.

In honour of that sentiment if in your comments to my posts you put a link here, feel free, but if it goes to some place creepy and nasty we can’t have that (that’s my job). I’ll send your post orbiting off into the great void.

Anyway, so here we are. Two unpublished novels later (one in mid edit for publishing on LuLu I’m thinking), one unpublished comic strip, one thought of another comic strip – this one more of a diary in the life of a mom with a child with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (my son has Asperger’s), and this site definitely shows a strong possibility of fulfilling possibilities.

My website is http://www.cathisplace.ca – I have a lot of my writing up there if anyone is interested is taking a peek.

And’s that’s it for now while I go try to figure out the link between Comicpress, MySQL on my computer, and the MySQL capabilities of my hosting people (Black Sun in case any one is interested, it’s Canadian).

Oh yes, I’m Canadian. And so is Jim now. 😀